
Showing posts from February, 2015

googlE tO launcH twO nexuS smartphoneS thiS yeaR: reporT

researcherS breaK interneT speeD recorD, hiT 1Tbps

googlE takeS a U-turN oN bloggeR adulT contenT baN

6 thingS thaT seT thE applE watcH aparT

facebooK introduceS 'suicidE alarM'

10 trickS everY androiD useR shoulD knoW

7 hottesT smartphoneS tO bE launcheD nexT weeK

motO E 2nd geN specificationS anD pricE foR indiA revealeD

traI amendS regulatioN; paN-indiA mobilE numbeR portabilitY startinG 3 maY

googlE acquireS sofTcarD tO competE witH applE paY

applE slappeD witH $533 millioN finE foR patenT violatioN

microsofT tO discontinuE supporT foR googlE, facebooK chaT iN

HTC One M9 jusT a minoR upgradE oveR onE M8: reporT

11 fuN factS aS facebooK turnS 11

40% peoplE globallY havE neveR useD interneT: facebooK

sonY smarTwatcH 3 revieW

Apple’s Siri wilL sooN recognizE IndiaN englisH

neW windowS 10 builD maY comE thiS weeK